Exam preparation courses
Cambridge Exam Preparation in Brighton
We'll help you choose the best Cambridge exam preparation course for you. Pre-entry tests and feedback are given prior to the courses to decide which course is right for you. During the course you will complete practice tests, mock exams, tutorials and past papers to help you succeed.
Completing an academic term and an exam course will help you meet university entry requirements, gain important qualifications and advance in your career. Sprachcaffe Languages Plus offers FCE and CAE.
We can also offer the following courses: KET, PET, CPE and IELTS subject to availability, please contact the school for further information.
At a Glance
- 5 days a week, 4 x 45 minute lessons per day = 3 hours per day
- Morning or afternoon: 9am - 12:20pm or 3pm - 6:15pm
- The maximum number of students in each adult class is 12
2019 Course & Exam Dates
Course start | FCE Exam | CAE Exam |
1 Apr | 8 & 11 Jun | 8 & 12 Jun |
19 Aug | 17 & 22 Aug | 17 & 23 Aug |
16 Sept | 30 Nov & 3 Dec, 7 & 14 Dec | 30 Nov & 4 Dec |
Additional exam dates are available throughout the year. Students wishing to take these exams will need to travel to London. Further information can be provided on request.
Students are tested on arrival and advised upon the best exam preparation course to undertake by a qualified member of staff.
Important Information
- Please ask about level and availability before booking
- For our Exam Preparation Courses we require a minimum of 4 students to form a class
- Examination fees are payable in addition to the course fees (for 2019 IELTS £180.00, FCE, £146.00, CAE £149.00). Please check with school about availability of examinations before booking your course